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Oh the places you'll go

Music for creative mode & relaxed work and play

Is a patron supposed to patronize?

May 7, 2015

I can’t seem to get my head around this issue. The answer for me is a clear no. Why? You chose to look into the arts/design and offer an assignment or a project or a frog. You are looking for a logo. You are looking for something to come up on that wall over there.…

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Animation in the making

Apr 19, 2015

  an’t say what it is about old school frame by frame 2d animation. These days all I need is some empty time, a glass table, a clip-on lamp, tons of A4 sheets, a fine nib and ink. I remember enjoying this throughly in college and now here we go! As things are progressing now…

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The Intercontinental Rollercoaster Club

Mar 19, 2015

The Indian Connection {IRCC} from Alberto & Yago Videography on Vimeo. Hey all! A&Y made this incredible video in the Uttarayan Art Foundation in Baroda where we spent close to a month in an artist residency in October 2014. Enjoy!

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My cover design in 50 Amazing Covers you will want to pick up!

Mar 8, 2015

My book cover for The Twisted Twenties  featured in 50 Amazing Covers you will want to pick up on Canva along with some incredible work – some of which I have linked below. Book covers are an incredibly rich and inspiring area to play with in print design – I am working on more and…

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India Design ID

Feb 19, 2015

Really happy to have attended the India Design ID in Delhi last week. Though every collection/company doesn’t wow you – there is plenty of good work there. Here are a few glimpses of things I loved.

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Disco Partay

Feb 10, 2015

Fact one: For all the fun times had dancing all night in our last 5 years, there are no places or no places with GOOD dance music in this expected to be great city of New Delhi. You know the kind of music you’ll have to change your plans for. Like you had a plan,…

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Leaving Home with Half a Fridge

Feb 3, 2015

y first assignment of this year was a book by Arathi Menon. I just got to see it fresh from the press! Written with good humour and insight, this book speaks about a woman’s journey through the end of a marriage and her route to getting back to being the person she was. I had…

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Packaging and the world it unfurls

Jan 23, 2015

Here’s my friend Jeebs, short for Ajibo (not really that short). Ajibo was the inspiration for The Animal People.  I wanted to make a tiny sculpture of her to sit in the house someplace on the dining table or on the work table.  It has become a larger project now but dear Jeebs is it’s…

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New animals and old

Jan 22, 2015

o many kinds of days have passed. The new year/holiday season does something strange. You are shedding an old skin and yet it is essential that you remember what it looked like. Age old lessons of routine, productivity and good humour will be put to use again. Every year somehow you are getting more aligned…

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