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Oh the places you'll go

Music for creative mode & relaxed work and play

Update from year's end

Dec 9, 2014

reetings from a sunny December winter’s day at home!  After a long crazy residency, a great successful show and a zipping trip to Nagaland’s Hornbill festival, here we are at the end of this year. New love for me this year is murals and ceramics. Also new on the cards is our artists’ collective Intercontinental…

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Its ready!

Sep 30, 2014

can’t explain enough what a great feeling it is to have finished a big piece of work. A part of me lies all the way in Carballo, A Coruña, Spain. I have hope that I will see it again sooner than later. A lot has been learnt painting in this ENORMOUS scale. It’s addictive too!…

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In defence of the Naïve

Jul 31, 2014

  love storms. I love rain. I think a lot of people sweating it out in 48 degress centigrade in northern India share this love for rain, clouds and stormy weather with me. In my first sketch for the street art wall mural, I drew our dog Ajibo with me and Vaibhav flying out, away…

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Is it enough? Is it good? Is it okay?

Jul 23, 2014

o you think you have something – an idea – something to start. You think you have a timeline – you think you know when its going to finish and be ready. Hahaha, always starts the same way. So ready so sure. As one progresses and thinks and makes stuff more ideas start popping up.…

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A video from the mural: one of week one

Jul 14, 2014

[vimeo w=500&h=400]

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Jul 14, 2014
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Why there is no such thing as too much sketching.

Jul 11, 2014

he more I work the more I think. The more I find myself realising reasons and systems within work, and the more I want to write – to make sense of all these mini AHA moments ( as they would say in Srishti, my design school.) Today, for instance – I was drawing grass blowing…

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For prime moments in my life (where the camera lens does that zoom-in doublequick as the camera is pulled back on the track)- this would be one.

Jul 8, 2014

at was it? What hit you? The light? The angels? The painstaking effort gone into making the perspective right? The fact that unicorns were mistakenly included in art inspired by the Bible because someone mistranslated a kind of a bull as a unicorn? That unicorns were being so fussy on Noah’s Arc that he chucked…

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For a while, it felt like there was no more need for me to see more renaissance art.

Jul 8, 2014

he brain can only take in so much. After some of the previous summer spent soaking in the Louvre and the Musée D’Orsay in Paris & the Uffizi gallery in Firenze it takes courage to step into a museum again. There is endless beauty; the light, the perspective, details , ideas, symbols and stories all…

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